150.000 solid carbide high-performance tools from stock. And now also online.

Our stock program is characterized by an enormous variety, best quality and high precision. In addition to a wide and deep range of milling tools from Ø 0.06 mm, we offer solid carbide drilling and reaming tools, circular saws and insert tools.


Tools. Precision. Solid carbide. Performance.

Tools, excellent delivery capability and high professional competence. Our claim is to get our customers to their goal quickly: With high-precision tools, short response time and on-site technical support.

Our product portfolio is perfectly aligned with the requirements of modern tool and die making. We offer a comprehensive selection of cutting tools for all common applications and materials. Over 150,000 of our stock tools are measured with high-end measuring machines. In addition, we are specialists in the design, manufacture and application of solid carbide special tools. With decades of experience, we manufacture high-performance special solutions with individual shapes, dimensions and geometries. You can rely on quality from schreurs.

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Schreurs 8479 Bigstock Engineer Planning Project With 98580329
150.000 high-precision tools for milling, drilling, reaming, threading and turning - available from stock
100.000 tools of which are precision measured and are delivered with the most important information.
2.000 long-standing and satisfied customers in Germany and other European countries are among our customer base.
35 years of accumulated experience in the production and application of cutting tools since the establishment


Schreurs Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 02

Nachhaltigkeit & Zukunft

Schreurs und Altkotec setzen sich als kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen aktiv für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften ein. Im Einklang mit den nachhaltigen Entwicklungszielen der Vereinten Nationen fördern sie verantwortungsvolle Geschäftsstrategien, die sowohl ökologische als auch soziale Verantwortung übernehmen. Gemeinsam gestalten wir eine zukunftsfähige und nachhaltige Wirtschaft!

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Schreurs Katalog

March 2022: The new general catalog

The new general catalog of Schreurs Tools is ready and now available for our customers and partners. In addition to the established program from 2021, the new series Performance Line and Neo Line are now also shown in the general catalog. The Karat II series has been expanded and in addition solid carbide cutters with 3mm shank have been added.

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