Sustainability & Certifications
Nachhaltigkeit xl

Sustainability & Certifications

Combating climate change is one of the most urgent global challenges. We at schreurs and altkotec are convinced that we want to make a contribution to combating it. In addition, we have understood that global framework conditions for sustainability also influence our business - via the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris Climate Agreement, the European Green Deal, the German Climate Protection Program 2030 or protest movements such as "Fridays for Future". We are responding to this and have

  • to take a holistic approach to sustainability,
  • We have carried out a comprehensive analysis of key sustainability issues,
  • We have defined the focal points of our sustainability work and set targets,
  • developed a reference document for responsible action in the form of the Integrity Code for Fair Partnerships, and
  • we have surveyed our carbon footprint, formulated reduction targets and offset unavoidable emissions.

Sustainability & Future

Schreurs Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 01

All schreurs products are climate-neutral and contribute zero grams of CO2 to our customers' ecological footprint. Find out why in this brochure.


DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Our claim "Nothing but perfection" already describes that product quality and safety are of central importance for the

are of central importance for the success of the company. Therefore, we invest a lot in processes, operating procedures, documentation or certifications to ensure the high quality of our products.

Zertifikat zeigen

Integrity Code

Economically, we have a clear strategy and experience to continuously adapt our actions to new challenges. What we also maintain is fairness and acting with integrity - among ourselves, with business partners and as part of society.

That is why we are providing our employees - all of whom are also ambassadors for our company - with a guide in the form of this Code of Conduct. It supports us in mastering the legal and ethical challenges and provides guidance in making the right choices. We always give priority to conduct that complies with the rules. There must be

there can be no compromises. And: every individual is equally responsible for this. We also show our customers and business partners what is important to us in a trusting relationship.

Integrity code content
Forschung entwicklung 2022


The Stifterverband, one of the largest private science funding organizations in Germany, has set itself the task of examining and evaluating the German research and innovation system. To this end, the Stifterverband's science statistics unit conducts an annual R&D survey on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Since 2014, the Stifterverband has recognized research-based companies for the special responsibility they assume for the state and society with the "Innovative through Research" seal.